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Blue flower blossoming with a light burst in the center, symbolizing the growth and enlightenment of the Eternal Way

We meet you on your path to unfoldment

The Eternal Way is an eleemosynary church ministry with programs and services that cater to the unique spiritual needs of each individual, and support your personal journey towards understanding and realizing God in your life.

Our combined programs serve to elevate spiritual awareness, to encourage heightened mental discernment, and to improve physical vitality.

Photograph of a large ancient tree with sunlight piercing through the branches

Spiritual Services

All of our services are offered on a donation basis.

Meditative and Holistic Practices

The Eternal Way, rooted in the tradition of the Mystical Christ, offers seminars, meditation classes, and weekly community spiritual gatherings for worship. Emphasizing Ayurvedic health routines, principles of mind and consciousness, and Kriya meditation techniques, we strive to help individuals remember their wholeness in God. In addition to our own literature and music for spiritual growth, we make available works by other like-minded authors. Interested individuals may inquire into initiation for advanced Kriya breath techniques. Read more

We officiate weddings here at the Eternal Way or at the wedding venue you have chosen. We also offer premarital counseling and work closely with you to personalize your ceremony and vows. We are here to coordinate with your wedding photographers, caterers, and florists to create the beautiful and sacred occasion you envision.
Holistic Lifestyle Education

The House of Health is a natural health ministry and includes education in body temple purification, body work and balancing, stress reduction, food use and preparation, yoga, and overall life-enhancement techniques. Self-responsibility training is a foundational component of all of our educational programs. People receiving help are taught the value of preventive self-care and of making choices that promote constructive, productive, life mission-oriented living.

“The highest healing and nourishment is to know God within yourself and then to live a God-centered, God-inspired, and God directed life.”

Roy Rocco Bruno
Roy "Rocco" Bruno – Minister-Director
E.A.T. Outreach
The E.A.T. (Everybody Ate Today) Outreach empowers people by giving them access to nourishing, whole food for their heightened well-being and ideally, for a better way of life. Whole food gifts are made available by businesses and individuals who care enough to donate surplus organic, whole, undenatured foodstuffs to the E.A.T. Outreach program. The E.A.T. Outreach, in turn, distributes directly to those we are guided to assist. Read more
Spiritual Counseling
The Eternal Way offers spiritual guidance and mentoring on a donation basis to people who need direction and greater mental and emotional clarity in their life’s path to God-consciousness.
E.A.T. (Everybody Ate Today) Outreach program logo, visit or call 512-445-1080 to volunteer or for more information

Everybody Ate Today

No one should go hungry

The E.A.T. (Everybody Ate Today) Outreach facilitates better living through access to nourishing, whole foods, sourced generously from individuals and businesses, and directly distributed to those we are committed to support.

Our mission in Austin, Texas has supported various groups from its beginning, such as Austin Baptist Community Center, Austin Children's Shelter, Caritas, Casa Marianella, Central Texas Foodbank, Children's Advocacy Center, Church Food Pantry, Comfort House, East St. John's Service Center, Family Crisis Center, Hospice Austin’s Christopher House, Kids @ the Crossroads, Latina Mami, Ministry of Challenge, Maggie Johnson Retirement Center, Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry, Push-Up Foundation - Male Unit, Salvation Army, and Word of Life Bastrop Church.

Estimated Value of Food Shared
$5.1 Million

Meditative and Holistic Practices

Dedicated to constructive living

The historical figure Yeshua, known in the West as Jesus, taught that the Kingdom of God resides within us all and is accessible through mindful spiritual practices. Meditation, when practiced with intention and integrity, can unlock the Pure Field of Being, allowing it to permeate our consciousness and instill harmony and wholeness in our lives. Yeshua's transformative teachings, exemplifying an anointed way of living, earned him the title "The Christ." It is this path of enlightenment and truth that he revealed, promising to set us free.

Yeshua known as Jesus Christ
Yeshua known as Jesus "Christ"
Table adorned with flowers and photos in remembrance of Paramahansa Yogananda and Roy Eugene Davis
Paramahansa Yogananada and Roy Eugene Davis

Eternal teachings live on

Roy Eugene Davis was one of the last remaining disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi.  Mr. Davis was the Spiritual Director of Christian Spiritual Alliance and the Founder of its educational department, Center for Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont, Georgia.  Mr. Davis passed from this world into the next in March of 2019.

“In the garden of souls...the divine Gardener has planted many varieties of flowers, and they all belong there. In God's garden, you are the divine flower with your own unique fragrance. We must learn to live harmoniously, like flowers in a garden, each contributing its own fragrance.”

Paramahansa Yogananada
Paramahansa Yogananda

Having benefited personally from the transformative experiences of Mystical Christ meditation and the yogic lifestyle, Roy “Rocco” Bruno consecrated his life to sharing these simple but dynamic techniques for spiritual awakening and personal improvement. Rocco has been ordained by Roy Davis to continue the teachings of meditation in this eternal tradition.

Artistic painting depicting a person with an illuminated spine and cranium, symbolizing the activation of chakras

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Eternal Way logo featuring a blue flower blossoming with a radiant light burst in the center

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EAT Outreach Coordinator

Name of Person
Meg Brooks
Phone number
+1 (512) 228-4072

Church Contact

Name of Person
Br. Rocco Bruno OSD
Phone number
+1 (512) 445-1080
Roy Rocco Bruno


Eternal Way

P.O. Box 1740

Bastrop, Texas 78602